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Watch Jason Kessler, Organizer Behind Disastrous White Supremacist Rally, Get Run Out of His Own Press Conference. At a press conference on Sunday, angry citizens ran off Jason Kessler, the organizer of a disastrous rally for white supremacists, neo- Nazis and other members of the so- called alt right in Charlottesville, Virginia that ended in mass violence this weekend. Local paralegal Heather Heyer died and dozens were injured after suspected member of neo- Nazi group Vanguard America ran over counter- protesters with his car, while two police officers died in a helicopter crash.
The hundreds of event attendees staged brawls in the streets with anti- racist activists while guarded by rifle- toting militiamen, all largely with impunity from the police. So yeah, there might be a reason Charlottesville simply wasn’t interested in whatever Kessler has to say. According to a video posted by WVIR- TV’s Henry Graff, members of the crowd chanted “shame” as Kessler approached the podium. Watch A Busy Day Putlocker. Kessler, for what it’s worth, seemed to be doing his best to incite the crowd.“Today I just want to come before you, and I want to tell you the story of what really happened before this narrative is allowed to continue spinning out of control,” Kessler started his vile statement. The hate that you hear around you? That is the anti- white hate that fueled what happened yesterday. What happened yesterday was the result of Charlottesville police officers refusing to do their job.”“I disavow anything that led to folks getting hurt,” Kessler continued.
It is a sad day in our constitutional democracy when we are not able to have civil liberties like the First Amendment. That’s what leads to rational discussion and ideas breaking down and people resorting to violence.”That sounds an awful lot like a threat of continued violence if white supremacists don’t get their way thinly veiled as an appeal to discourse, and Charlottesville residents seemed more than done listening. In a video tweeted by Buzz.
Feed News’ Blake Montgomery, the crowd swarmed the podium. Subsequent photos and videos showed Kessler being rushed away by police in body armor.“Her name was Heather, sir!” a man shouted at Kessler as he was escorted to a police station.
The moment in the book released Wednesday comes a week after President Trump ended DACA.

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Her name was Heather, Jason. Her blood is on your hands ..
Of course, Kessler didn’t have anything else to say for himself worth hearing. In a subsequent video posted by journalist Brook Silva- Braga, he responded to the question about the death by again saying the real cause was the “denial of First Amendment rights” to him and his compatriots. Kessler also denied any personal responsibility whatsoever for what occurred, saying “I don’t know what happened.”.
White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™White House Watch. White House Watch: Clinton Edges Ahead.
Sign up for free daily updates. Monday, November 0. Rasmussen Reports’ final White House Watch survey shows Democrat Hillary Clinton with a two- point lead over Republican Donald Trump with less than 2. Election Day. Among early voters, Clinton has a double- digit lead.
The latest national telephone and online survey of Likely U. S. Voters shows Clinton with 4.
Trump’s 4. 3%. Libertarian Gary Johnson picks up four percent (4%) of the vote, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein gets two percent (2%). Three percent (3%) still like some other candidate, and four percent (4%) remain undecided. To see survey question wording, click here.). On Friday, Trump and Clinton were tied at 4. The two major party candidates were tied most days last week. This survey has a margin of error of +/- 2.
Among those who say they have already voted, Clinton leads 5. Johnson earns three percent (3%) and Stein one percent (1%). Just 8. 8% of all likely voters say they have made up their minds how they will vote. Among these voters, Trump leads 5. Johnson has four percent (4%), Stein one percent (1%). Among those who still could change their minds, it’s Clinton 4. Trump 3. 6%, Johnson 1.
Stein seven percent (7%). Rasmussen Reports updates its White House Watch survey daily. Monday through Friday at 8: 3. Eastern based on a three- day rolling average of 1,5. Likely U. S. Voters. Want a free daily e- mail update?
If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook. The survey of 1,5. Likely Voters was conducted on November 2- 3 and 6, 2. Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 2. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC.
See methodology. The FBI announced yesterday that it is standing by its earlier conclusion not to seek a criminal indictment of Clinton for mishandling classified information after reviewing thousands of newly obtained e- mails that she sent and received on a private e- mail server while secretary of State. Late last week, most voters considered it likely that Clinton broke the law, but they didn’t think she would be punished for it. Watch The Hoax Online (2017). Trump has the support of 8. Republicans and 1. Democrats. He leads by eight points among voters not affiliated with either major party. Clinton gets 8. 4% of the Democratic vote and 1.
GOP voters. Johnson wins 1. Stein is in low single digits among voters in the two major parties. Thirteen percent (1. Trump has a slight lead among men; Clinton is ahead among women.
Clinton has a sizable lead among those under 4. Older voters still prefer Trump. Trump remains well ahead among white voters, but Clinton has dramatically larger advantages among blacks and other minority voters. We’ll tell you at 1.
Most voters consider the allegations of sexual harassment by multiple women against Trump important to their vote, but most also say the charges haven't affected how they will vote. Voters continue to strongly believe that the media is more interested in controversy than in the issues when it comes to the presidential race. As in previous presidential election cycles, voters expect reporters covering political campaigns to help their favorite candidates, and 5. July that they were favoring Clinton. Twenty- seven percent (2.
Trump instead. Seventy percent (7. Clinton in the election say they’d rather vote for President Obama if it was a legal option.
Fifty- one percent (5. GOP voters still think top Republican leaders don’t want Trump to be president. Additional information from this survey and a full demographic breakdown are available to Platinum Members only. Please sign up for the Rasmussen Reports daily email update (it’s free) or follow us on Twitter or Facebook. Let us keep you up to date with the latest public opinion news. The survey of 1,5. Likely Voters was conducted on November 2- 3 and 6, 2.
Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 2. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology. Rasmussen Reports is a media company specializing in the collection. We conduct public opinion polls on a variety of topics to inform our audience on events.
To ensure editorial control and independence. Nightly polling on politics, business and lifestyle topics. Rasmussen Reports web site many times each day. If it's in the news, it's in our polls.
Additionally, the data drives a. Some information, including the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll. Subscriptions are available for $4.
For those who are really into the numbers. Platinum Members can review demographic crosstabs. To learn more about our methodology, click here.