Mortal Kombat Full Movie In English
Raiden Mortal Kombat Wiki Raiden. General Information. Origin. Heavens. Resides. Earthrealm. Species. God In Mortal Kombat. Weapons. Hammer (MK4, MK: Conquest)Staff (MK4, MK: DA, MK: D, MK: SM, MK: A, MKX). Fighting Styles. Nan Chuan (MK: DA, MK: D, MK: A) Jujutsu (MK: DA, MK: D)Judo (MK: Conquest)Tae Kwon Do (MK: Conquest).
Games. Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat IIMortal Kombat 3 (cutscenes only)Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Mythologies: Sub- Zero. Mortal Kombat 4. Mortal Kombat Gold. Mortal Kombat Advance.
Contains cast list, quotes, trivia, goofs, plot summary, and links to external review sites. Contains cast list, photos, and plot outline.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat (Puzzle Kombat)MK: Deadly Alliance. MK: Tournament Edition. MK: Deception. MK: Shaolin Monks. MK: Armageddon. MK: Unchained. MK vs. DC Universe. Mortal Kombat (2. Mortal Kombat XInjustice 2 (DLC)Portrayers.
Carlos Pesina (MK, MKII, MKT, MK: DA)Michael Garvey (MKM: SZ)Christopher Lambert (first movie, third movie)James Remar (second movie)Jeffrey Meek (MK Conquest)Richard Epcar (MK vs. DC, MK 2. 01. 1, Mortal Kombat X)Clancy Brown/Armando Tiraboschi (Brazilian version) (Dot. R)Ryan Robbins (MKL). I am of truth and light.
I protect Earthrealm. Raiden in Mortal Kombat XRaiden (雷電) is one of the few original characters in the first Mortal Kombat game, and in addition, is the one of the few characters to have appeared in every generation of Mortal Kombat games as a playable character.
· · Horizon: Zero Dawn Movie Mortal Kombat X The Game Movie All Cutscenes Full Story in 1080p 60FPS Story Mode The. Raiden (雷電) is one of the few original characters in the first Mortal Kombat game, and in. Experience the Next Generation of the #1 Fighting Franchise. Mortal Kombat X combines unparalleled, cinematic presentation with all new gameplay. This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Kitana. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with the Mortal Kombat. The newest chapter of the iconic fighting franchise is now available! Experience the deadliest tournament with all the kombatants and their unique fatalities. Players.
About Raiden. Raiden is the eternal God of Thunder, protector of Earthrealm, and arguably one of the most powerful characters in all of Mortal Kombat. After the second defeat of Shinnok, he ascended to the status of Elder God.
Being a god, he possesses many supernatural abilities, such as the ability to teleport, control lightning and fly. As a god, he is used to thinking in terms of eternity rather than normal human lifespans, and so he has a radically different outlook on life.
This is not to say he is incapable of understanding human values and psyches. Appearance. Although being formless and ethereal, Raiden often takes form on mortal planes. As such, he appears as a fully- grown man wearing predominately white robes and a blue vest, his face usually shadowed by a straw hat. The effect is enhanced by his glowing blue eyes that radiate with electricity and long white hair, befitting of his god- like status.
In Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, one of his outfits is finished by a flowing blue cape. Lastly, his power is so great that he constantly radiates with lightning energy, electricity constantly dancing and crackling around his being. In Deception and Armageddon, his visage is warped by Onaga's malevolent aura when he sacrifices himself, reforming as a dark warrior dressed in black robes and dark armor, his eyes changed from a soothing blue to a belligerent red. His cape was changed to a subdued red and appears tattered at the end. Due to the events of Mortal Kombat (2.
However, he seems to return to this form in the post- credits scene of Mortal Kombat X, though now he wears Shinnok's Amulet. Trademarks. His conical, straw Chinese coolie (harvester) hat is one of Raiden's most recognizable features. His name is sometimes spelled "Rayden" in the video game series.
He has electricity running across his body in MK, MK4 / Gold, MK: Deadly Alliance, and MK9, while wearing his alternate outfit. Raiden became notorious for yelling randomly while performing his Torpedo move. Fans originally believed that he was yelling Japanese phrases.
Interestingly, others thought that he was actually speaking English, and thus Raiden's phrases were miselucidated as "Get back in the car!", "Gimme ma money!", "Freddy bought a car!" or even "Your mother's from L. A.!" Midway soon revealed that Raiden was merely speaking gibberish and not actual Japanese or English words.
This was featured in the VH1 program I Love 1. Edwin Mc. Cain thought Raiden said "Santa Monica!" (Raiden was voiced by Midway employee Jon Hey in the first two games.).
A saya (katana scabbard) appears on two of Raiden's secondary costumes. However, he is never seen using the sword. He has glowing white, occasionally blue- tinted eyes. As Dark Raiden, however, he has red- tinted eyes.
Combat characteristics. Powers and abilities. Raiden is the god of thunder and lightning, and as such, he is immensely powerful and has complete control over electricity. Watch Main Street Online Freeform. He usually keeps behind the scenes in the games and rarely fights, although one notable exception was in Deception, where he fought both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, and was able to hold his own for most of the fight. Using the element of lightning, Raiden can fire torrents of lightning or concentrated blasts, in addition to being able to form fully fledged thunderstorms as depicted in Deadly Alliance. He also has the ability to fly, which he uses to fling himself at an opponent and shove them into a wall.
In Mortal Kombat (2. He also has the ability to teleport to another destination by transforming his body into an ethereal state. Despite his godly status, he is not indestructible and has limits.
Raiden, like any other god, will have his powers taken away should he enter a domain not native to him, with Outworld being the most prominent example of this. His powers can return to him once he returns however. It is also because of his godly status that he is forbidden to directly participate in any Mortal Kombat tournaments unless he takes on a mortal form.
Signature moves. Teleport: At will, Raiden vanishes and reappears behind his opponent. In MKX, besides being able to reappear behind the opponent, he can also reappear in front of them, about a jump distance behind them and even fake the teleport, which will trigger the animation but keep him in place.
However, doing any version of the teleport besides the classic one (which leaves him right behind the opponent) will slightly deplete the Super Meter. MK, MKII, MKT, MK4, MKG, MK: D, MK: A, MKvs.
DCU, MK 2. 01. 1, MKX - Displacer Variation). Both in MK 2. 01. MKX, the enhanced version is called Sparkport. In MK 2. 01. 1, it will have Raiden appear behind the opponent and quickly teleporting back in front. In MKX, Raiden will recover after the teleport faster, allowing him to punish enemies more quickly.
Alternatively, he can wait some time before reappearing, completely vanishing for some moments. Electricity: Raiden sends a bolt of lightning flying at his opponent. In MK 2. 01. 1 and MKX, this is known as Lightning. In the Thunder God variation of MKX, it can be charged for more damage, and this charge can also be dash canceled.
MK, MKII, MKT, MK4, MKG, MK: DA, MK: D, MK: A, MKvs. DCU,MK 2. 01. 1, MKX). Both in MK 2. 01. MKX, the enhanced version is called Bolt. In MK 2. 01. 1, Raiden fires two bolts, one behind and one in front of him.
The one behind him wraps around the map hitting the opponent in the back. In MKX, the enhanced version electrocutes the enemy, also slightly suspending them in the air while doing so, and can't be ducked. In the Thunder God variation it can no longer be charged, but can be stopped in place at any point of the arena after being fired by spending a second part of the Super Meter on it. Torpedo: Raiden flies at his opponent and pushes them against the wall.
He can perform the move in the air. In MKvs. DCU, it's called The Superman and in MK 2. MKX, the move is named Electric Fly. MK, MKII, MKT, MK4, MKG, MK: D, MK: A, MKvs. DCU, MK 2. 01. 1, MKX). Both in MK 2. 01. MKX, the enhanced version is called Thunder Fly.
In MK 2. 01. 1, this increases the attack's speed and damage. In MKX, the enhanced version does more damage and has armor. In the Displacer variation, both Electric Fly and Thunder Fly can be enhanced after Raiden has grabbed the opponent, tossing them backwards and teleporting behind them to strike them down with a punch. Shocking Touch: Raiden grabs his opponent and holds them in the air while electrocuting them, then punches them to the ground. In MK 2. 01. 1 and MKX, this is named Electrocute.
In MK 2. 01. 1, Raiden won't punch the enemy at the end, but simply let them fall on the floor, and in MKX the electric charge sends the opponent flying across the arena.