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Savage Model 2. 4 - Gun Review. Picture taken from: http: //www. FAQ. html. This is a guest post by Crazy Horse. Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason Full Movie In English.
When JJ asked me to contribute to his website we were discussing real survival situations, specifically what could the average person have with them to help in a reality based situation. As with most all discussions of survival situations the topic of weapons arose. I opined that if I could have only one long gun, (and I’m a guy with a lot of guns), I would probably pick the Savage Model 2. I know I will get assailed by the black gun crowd, but I am talking about a piece of equipment that can feed you and your family. It is a gun that I know is highly effective here in the mid- west and likely any where in North America for putting food on the table. Obviously, I am not talking about a weapon to support a defensive position or lead an assault with, but something to help keep you alive and feed your family.
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The Savage Model 2. MOA gun, but is certainly sufficient for the most commonly encountered hunting and very basic self defense situations. The Savage Model 2. Its simplicity also makes it a great weapon for youngsters to learn to hunt with as well. In a survival situation all members of the family who were capable, would need to contribute to the effort.
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For those of you not familiar with this fine piece of now discontinued weaponry it is an over and under which has a shotgun barrel on the bottom and a rifle barrel on the top, and it is discharged by a hammer which contains a selector switch allowing the shooter to choose either one or the other. See the picture above. Watch Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever Download. These combination guns were initially issued to the United States Army Air Force and eventually the US Air Force in the Pacific theater. The issued Stevens (Savage) . They initially differed from civilian guns only in having an Ordnance bomb stamped on the receiver near the hammer. The .
L. R. was problematic from a standpoint of the Hague Accord rules against expanding bullets, so a bizarre full metal jacketed bullet was devised for this application. Ultimately the weight, dimensions and rimfire cartridge were all rejected by the Air Force, and in the early ’5. M- 6. The M- 6 Survival Rifle fires a . Hornet FMJ over a 3″ . Cite: . Picture from: http: //en.
File: M6_Survival_Rifle. Versatility. My first gun was and still is because I have kept it for almost thirty years is a Savage 2.
D, chambered in . Growing up in the rural midwest it is needless to say, but I have taken dozens of rabbits and squirrels along with more than a few quail and dove. As a survival tool, this gun is very versatile and it will allow the shooter to take both small to medium sized animals and most any birds. One of the best advantages to a person in a survival situation is that this combination is chambered for commonly available ammunition and that ammunition is light and small enough that it can be packed in relatively high amounts without causing an undue burden. The Savage Model 2.
The Savage 2. 4 can be found in the following caliber combinations: 2. LR/. 4. 10. 22. LR/2. Gauge. 2. 2WMR/2.
Gauge. 2. 2 Hornet/2. Gauge. 2. 22 Rem/2. Gauge. 3. 0- 3. 0/2. Gauge. 2. 2 Hornet/1. Gauge. 2. 22 Rem/1. Gauge. 2. 23 Rem/2. Gauge. 2. 23 Rem/1.
Gauge. 3. 0- 3. 0/1. Gauge. 3. 57 Mag/2. Gauge. I also own a . This is also an excellent combination for a survival gun, but you do add a significant weight and size burden with the larger ammunition. But you also get significant power increases as well. Personally, the burden of the extra weight is one I am willing to deal with for the additional power and range this ammunition offers.

With a . 2. 23 soft point and a load of 3″ lead two’s, this would be the only gun you would need to carry. The disadvantage of the Savage Model 2.
I started varmint hunting near the town I lived in and used the shotgun barrel more than anything else for fox’s, feral cats and the occasional coyote. The one item that always bothered me was when I tried to use it as a rifle and placed a large variable scope on it, the shotgun would recoil into your eye if you weren’t careful. Having an optic on the gun obviously also reduced the speed & efficiency of the getting on target with the shotgun. The evolution in ACOG & Aim. Point type scopes, other advanced optical sights and after market rail systems, now allows the shooter to mount an optic out further forward on the gun so you can shoot with both eyes open and not worry about being hit in the eye. A newer optic like that may be an option on an older gun like this, if you prefer to use an optic instead of just open iron sights. Overall. The . 2.

Caliber/. 1. 2 Gauge combination would be my one gun survival tool. But I would certainly not shy away from any of the others Savage Model 2. How can you argue with a . Gauge shotgun for taking deer and small game. These combinations also have great availability of ammunition.
These great guns are out there and you can usually find a decent deal at your local gun shop. But if you are shopping on line be prepared to pay for the less common . The Savage Model 2.
Where can you find one now? Since Savage discontinued them, I have not found an exact new reproduction, but Rossi does makes some budget friendly matched sets that come in similar combinations as those listed above. You can find the Rossi Matched sets by clicking here. What would be the one gun that you would carry into a wilderness survival situation? Thanks for reading! Crazy Horse. If you found this post useful please enter a comment below and click the “Share/Send” button or “Like” or “+1” and share it with your friends on your favorite social media network by clicking on the buttons above or below.
That small gesture really helps me out a lot! Also feel free to subscribe via email by putting your email address in the space to the right or below and get my updates straight to your inbox. If you are unfamiliar with who I am (JJ Johnson – the owner/author of this blog) and what my background is in wilderness survival related issues feel free to Click This Link that will take you to my bio page. Also if you would like to connect with me and get updates of all of my posts via Facebook please click this link and “Like” my Facebook Page! You can also subscribe to my You.
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Cadrana, Rafael María de Labra y. See: Labra, Rafael M.
Rafael María), 1. Cady, Elizabeth. See: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1. Cajanello, Anna Carlotta Leffler Edgren, duchessa di. See: Leffler, Anne Charlotte, 1. Calaber, Quintus.
See: Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century. Calamnius, Ilmari.
See: Kianto, Ilmari, 1. Caldas Cordeiro, Manuel. See: Cordeiro, Manoel Caldas, 1. Wikipedia. The Babes in the Wood. One of R. Caldecott's Picture Books (English) (as Illustrator)Baron Bruno; Or, The Unbelieving Philosopher, and Other Fairy Stories (English) (as Illustrator)Bracebridge Hall (English) (as Illustrator)Breton Folk: An artistic tour in Brittany (English) (as Illustrator)Come Lasses and Lads (English) (as Illustrator)The Diverting History of John Gilpin. Showing How He Went Farther Than He Intended, and Came Safe Home Again (English) (as Illustrator)An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog (English) (as Illustrator)An Elegy on the Glory of Her Sex, Mrs. Mary Blaize (English) (as Illustrator)The Farmer's Boy.
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R. Caldecott's Picture Books (English) (as Author)Old Christmas From the Sketch Book of Washington Irving (English) (as Illustrator)The Panjandrum Picture Book (English) (as Author)The Queen of Hearts, and Sing a Song for Sixpence (English) (as Author)Randolph Caldecott: A Personal Memoir of His Early Art Career (English) (as Illustrator)R. Caldecott's First Collection of Pictures and Songs (English) (as Illustrator)R. Caldecott's Picture Book (No. English) (as Illustrator)R. Caldecott's Picture Book (No. The Three Jovial Huntsmen—Sing a Song for Sixpence—The Queen of Hearts—The Farmer's Boy (English) (as Author)Ride A Cock- Horse To Banbury Cross & A Farmer Went Trotting Upon His Grey Mare.
R. Caldecott's Picture Books (English) (as Illustrator)A Sketch- Book of R. Caldecott's (English) (as Illustrator)Some of Æsop's Fables with Modern Instances (English) (as Illustrator)Sporting Society; or, Sporting Chat and Sporting Memories, Vol. English) (as Illustrator)Sporting Society; or, Sporting Chat and Sporting Memories, Vol. English) (as Illustrator)The Three Jovial Huntsmen (English) (as Illustrator)What the Blackbird said. A story in four chirps (English) (as Illustrator)Calderón, Serafín Estébanez. See: Estébanez Calderón, Serafín, 1. Caldwell, Mary. See: Tourtel, Mary, 1.
Caliban. See: Bergerat, Emile, 1. Watch Anonymous Putlocker#. Calvos, Andreas. See: Kalvos, Andreas, 1. Brito Camacho, Manuel de.
Ao de Leve (Portuguese) (as Author)Cámara, Eduardo Martín de la. See: Martín de la Cámara, Eduardo, 1. Da Câmara, João. Gonçalves Zarco da Câmara, João. Zarco da Câmara, João Gonçalves. Contos (Portuguese) (as Author)Cambrensis, Giraldus.
See: Cambrensis, Giraldus, 1. Genet, Jeanne- Louise- Henriette.
Wikipedia. Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Complete. Being the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan, First Lady in Waiting to the Queen (English) (as Author)Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Volume 1.
Being the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan, First Lady in Waiting to the Queen (English) (as Author)Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Volume 2. Being the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan, First Lady in Waiting to the Queen (English) (as Author)Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Volume 3. Being the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan, First Lady in Waiting to the Queen (English) (as Author)Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Volume 4. Being the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan, First Lady in Waiting to the Queen (English) (as Author)Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Volume 5.
Being the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan, First Lady in Waiting to the Queen (English) (as Author)Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Volume 6. Being the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan, First Lady in Waiting to the Queen (English) (as Author)Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Volume 7. Being the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan, First Lady in Waiting to the Queen (English) (as Author)Quotes and Images From Memoirs of Marie Antoinette (English) (as Author)Campbell, Gabrielle Margaret Vere. See: Bowen, Marjorie, 1. Campbell, John Douglas Sutherland. See: Argyll, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Duke of, 1.
Campbell, Margaret. See: Bowen, Marjorie, 1. Campbell, Margaretta Wade. See: Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell, 1.
Camp, Charles B. De. See: De Camp, Charles B. Canard, Elisabeth.
See: Celnart, Elisabeth, 1. Canary, Martha. See: Calamity Jane, 1.
Canfield, Dorothy. See: Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1. Canne, J. See: Butler, Samuel, 1. Historical Record of the Eighteenth, or the Royal Irish Regiment of Foot.
Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1. Its Subsequent Services to 1. English) (as Author)Historical Record of the Fifteenth, or, the Yorkshire East Riding, Regiment of Foot. Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1. Its Subsequent Services to 1.
English) (as Author)Historical Record of the Fifth, or Princess Charlotte of Wales's Regiment of Dragoon Guards. Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1. Its Subsequent Services to 1. English) (as Author)Historical Record of the Fifth Regiment of Foot, or Northumberland Fusiliers. Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1. Its Subsequent Services to 1.
English) (as Author)Historical Record of the First, or Royal Regiment of Foot. Containing an Account of the Origin of the Regiment in the Reign of King James VI. Scotland, and of Its Subsequent Services to 1.
English) (as Author)Historical Record of the First, or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons. Containing an Account of Its Formation in the Reign of King Charles the Second, and of Its Subsequent Services to 1. English) (as Author)Historical Record of the Forty- sixth or South Devonshire Regiment of Foot. Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1. Its Subsequent Services to 1. English) (as Author)Historical Record of the Fourteenth, or, the Buckinghamshire Regiment of Foot.
Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1. Its Subsequent Services to 1. English) (as Author)Historical Record of the Fourteenth, or the King's, Regiment of Light Dragoons. Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment and of Its Subsequent Services (English) (as Author)Historical Record of the Fourth, or Royal Irish Regiment of Dragoon Guards. Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1. Its Subsequent Services to 1.
English) (as Author)Historical Record of the Fourth, or the King's Own, Regiment of Foot.