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List of sticky scenes in popular media The Sticky Wiki. Episode: Terror of the Girly- Eyes Measles. Ten- chan is fleeing from Lum, who is trying to give him a (giant) shot to cure his alien "Girly- Eyes Measles" disease. Apparently, the disease spreads to Lum's (human) lecherous boyfriend Ataru. Watch Being Cyrus Online Metacritic. Lum eventually menages to give the two a shot, and tells them to rest for two/three days.

However, Ataru, being the flirtatious scum he is, heads off in a flash going girl hunting, eventually spreading the disease to all the men in Tomobiki (According to Lum, women can't get the disease). Watch Bachelor Party 2: The Last Temptation Online Free 2016. Lum resorts to using a huge goo gun to trap Ataru, but she ends up trapping nearly everyone else before catching him. In particular, one young lady in high heels gets her shoe stuck in the goo, but when Ataru approaches her she sheds her stuck shoe and flees. Ironically, the shoe does detach from the goo when she flees.
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