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Updates. EMAIL. CHANGE, 1. Emails to my old addresses may not get read. PAPER. UPDATE, added. Rational. fun at Rat. Diki, where we watch the Rat. Sims do their best to.
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NEW. PAPER, added. Watch LIE- GO Crumble. Forbesarticle. indicates LIE- GO is BYE- GO. PAPER. 6/2/1. 7, The. Cause of the Solar Cycles. A. reader has tracked the declination cycles of the big- four planets. See end of paper.
PAPER. 5/1/1. 7, Climate. Seasons. I. have added a mainstream diagram of Mars' orbit, which confirms my. Sun and from the big- four planets.
NEW. PAPER, added. New. “Electron Paradox” again proves my Charge Field. I. show that the “superballistic” motion of electrons in metals. PAPER. 2/2. 6/1. 7, Lift. Wing. In. a second long addendum, a commercial pilot corroborates my.
When I think about all of the phrases, anecdotes, and sayings about the power of the spoken word I am reminded of how I changed my way of communicating with children. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

PAPER. UPDATE, added. Levitation. have added a link to a second recent (2.
NEW. PAPER, added. Levitation. analyze a recent experiment and announcement from the University.
Chicago, showing how it acts as proof of my theory of heat, my. NEW. PAPER, added. Rational. a new page on me, but someone now wishes they didn't. NEW. 1/3/1. 7, The. Wilkes Land Anomaly and the Charge Field. I. show the “gravity” anomaly in the Antarctic is caused by. NEW. here 1. 1/2.
The. Case for Reality, and against the mainstream media. I. just realized this paper has been sitting over on my art site for. So I have added a. It is a reply to Donald Hoffman and The. UPDATE, added. 1. Gravity. Waves of Propaganda, the Sequel. Since. the mainstream announcement of gravity waves still hasn't failed.
I am updating my exposéof. Stephen Crothers has been raising hell on this subject for.
PAPER. UPDATE, added. Proof. that Pi=4. A. reader has graciously sent me a gif that recreates part of the. Youtube and elsewhere, and I have. PAPER. UPDATE, added. Proof. that Pi=4. The. video mentioned in the update below has been removed from.
It lasted 2 days after I linked to it. PAPER. UPDATE, added. Proof. that Pi=4.
The. video mentioned in the update below has been reposted on You. Tube. and Daily. Motion.
See minute 1. 1: 1. Someone is on my side. PAPER. UPDATE, added. Proof. that Pi=4. See. addendum. As more proof of the suppression of science, we find.
Cal. Tech and Annenberg Learner have deleted their Mechanical. Universe videos. All because I linked to one of them to help. If I were wrong, it would be easy to show, right, without.
So the fact that. NEW. EXPERIMENT. 9/2.
Proof. that Pi=4. A. simple experiment shows you that pi=4. This one comes all the way from the. Netherlands, which is appropriate. You will feel like you have. Netherworld when you see this.
NEW. 9/1. 0/1. 6, More. Running Track. This. I show that both the distances and velocities are being.
NEW. 9/1/1. 6, The. Cycloid and the Kinematic Circumference. I. use the cycloid again to explain very briefly why pi=4 when you. PAPER. UPDATE, added. The. Extinction of Pi.
I. have added a third addendum to the opening pages, showing more. This time the proof. Olympics. ANNOUNCEMENT. Draft. Science. They think that is. It isn't. He links to me and discusses my stuff a lot. I haven't watched more than a couple of.
I don't know him, have never talked to him, and have no. Although there is some resemblance, since he is. His hair is much longer. I. don't. [One of my readers warns you not to visit Draft.
Science's. pages at youtube unless you wish his channel to appear all over. PAPER. UPDATE, added. The. Proton Radius Puzzle. The. mainstream is recycling this major problem from 2. I am. too. But they are now “admitting physics is broken”. ANNOUNCEMENT. 6/4/1.
My fourth annual physics conference is now being. It is set for the week of August 8. Email me now at. mm@milesmathis. Cost is $4. 00 for five full days, lodging and food.
NEW. 5/1. 9/1. 6, Proof. Mainstream of my Quantum Spin Equations.
Trinity. College provides us with a new experiment to analyze. PAPER. UPDATE, added. Star. Trek Force Field. In. this update to this December 2. I do the math to. LASP found at 7,2. NEW. Critical Analysis of LIGO.
By. Stephen Crothers. Stephen. has graciously allowed me to republish his recent paper showing. LIGO results are not the results of colliding black holes. NEW. 3/3/1. 6, The.
Stark Effect. Not. I show charge field causes of both the shift and the. I show a new cause of spectral lines—one that has. NEW. 3/1/1. 6, The. All- Known- Physics Equation. I. show this equation is bombast from first to last.
NEW. 2/1. 6/1. 6, Matter. Light. I. analyze the recent announcement from Imperial College, claiming. NEW. 2/1. 2/1. 6, Gravity.
Waves of Propaganda, the Sequel. Where. we find the farce repeated on a second stage of stooges. ANNOUNCEMENT. 2/1. The. Un- unified Field, in Russian. My. first book is being translated into Russian and Italian. Here is. a first taste of the Russian.
PAPER. UPDATE, added. Strange. Plagiarism. Veterans Today has. ANNOUNCEMENT. 1/3. Strange. Plagiarism. Plagiarized. text from my book the Un- unified. Fieldat. Veterans.
More. on the Fine Structure Constant. Watch Marrying Up Online on this page. I. show yet another way to calculate and interpret the fine.
NEW. 1/2. 0/1. 6, The. Bottom Baryon. I. I show how to create it. PAPER. 1. 1/2. 2/1. Lift. on a Wing. A. Earth's charge field is. See addendum and my comments.
NEW. 9/2. 9/1. 5, PBS. Admits I was Right, 1. PBS. Spacetime admits my. They then try to steal.
Why. Gravity is not a Function of Charge. A. short paper, explaining why I have unified gravity and charge. PAPER. 9/1. 6/1. 5, The. NEW. 8/1. 6/1. 5, The. Pentaquark. A. better theory, using spin mechanics. NEW. 8/8/1. 5, The. Gas Discharge Lamp.
Or. why Noble Gasses make good lamps. A better theory, using nuclear. PAPER. 7/2. 8/1. 5, The. Specific Heat Problem of Electrons. In. a short addendum, I show in one line of math why electrons were.
NEW. 7/2. 5/1. 5, Spin. Current without Magnetic Material.
A. new experiment proves my charge field again. NEW. 7/2. 4/1. 5, The. Hall Effect: a Charge Field Explanation.
I. ditch electron holes, offering a logical and mechanical theory. Hall Voltage. NEW.
The. Specific Heat Problem of Electrons. I. unwind another longstanding fudge from the mainstream, and. PAPER. 7/2. 1/1. 5, The. Eccentricity of the Earth. In. a short addendum (see mid- paper), I link my new oval to Cassini's. Oval, showing why Kepler's old ellipse equations had to fail.
NEW. 7/7/1. 5, What. Kavli Prize? I. show that, like the Fundamental Physics Prize, this one is also. PAPER. 7/6/1. 5, Gravity. Waves of Propaganda. The. York Timesadmits. See addendum. NEW.
The. Pushing Force of Light. And. why light cannot pull. Refutation of both Minkowski and Abraham. NEW. 6/1. 3/1. 5, The. Derivative of sin. More. evidence that the chain rule is fudged.
PAPER. 6/1. 2/1. 5, Variable. Acceleration. I. clarify this notorious and misunderstood paper by making it. It is the time variable that requires special treatment, and that.
PAPER. 6/1. 0/1. 5, Trig. Derivatives found without the Old Calculus. In. a long addendum, I show the current proof for the derivative of.
I. show to how to find the derivative without the chain rule, and. ANNOUNCEMENT. 6/7/1.
My third annual physics conference is now scheduled for. July 1. 3th. If you would like to attend, there are a couple of slots still. See announcement two lines below for more info, or email.
Time an Illusion? NO. We. look at recent magazine articles to find more misdirection in.
ANNOUNCEMENT. 5/4/1. My third annual physics conference is now being. It is tentatively set for third week of July, but that. Email me now to reserve a spot and let me know which week works. I will then schedule it during the week that fills. Cost is $4. 00 for five full days, lodging and food not.
NEW. 4/1. 7/1. 5, Stephen. Hawking died and has been replaced.
I. show lots of photographic evidence that Hawking died in 1. NEW. 3/1. 5/1. 5, The.
Phosphorus- Hydrogen Bond. Scientists. recently admitted positive Phosphorus bonds to positive Hydrogen. I show you why. The continued destruction of electron bonding. NEW. 2/1. 5/1. 5, An.
Argument for the Photon.
List of sticky scenes in popular media The Sticky Wiki. Episode: Terror of the Girly- Eyes Measles. Ten- chan is fleeing from Lum, who is trying to give him a (giant) shot to cure his alien "Girly- Eyes Measles" disease.
Apparently, the disease spreads to Lum's (human) lecherous boyfriend Ataru. Lum eventually menages to give the two a shot, and tells them to rest for two/three days. However, Ataru, being the flirtatious scum he is, heads off in a flash going girl hunting, eventually spreading the disease to all the men in Tomobiki (According to Lum, women can't get the disease).
Lum resorts to using a huge goo gun to trap Ataru, but she ends up trapping nearly everyone else before catching him. In particular, one young lady in high heels gets her shoe stuck in the goo, but when Ataru approaches her she sheds her stuck shoe and flees. Ironically, the shoe does detach from the goo when she flees.