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Klansville U. S. A. American Experience Official Site. Narrator: The rally was scheduled for the afternoon of August 1.
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For hours, the crowd kept growing outside Memorial Auditorium in Raleigh, North Carolina. Hundreds of police surrounded the building, intent on maintaining order at what would be the state's largest political gathering of the year. The rally had been called by the United Klans of America, as a show of support for Klan leaders being investigated by congress and the FBI. The state's head klansman, Grand Dragon Bob Jones, was facing a possible prison sentence. The future of the Ku Klux Klan itself was on the line. David Cunningham, Author, Klansville, U.
S. A.: Jones's dream was really to build the Klan into something that had political legitimacy. He also understood that both the Klan's goals, and to some degree its appeal really relied upon its militance as well. Narrator: As hecklers began taunting a group of black activists in the balcony, Jones ordered them to stop. The Graves Full Movie Online Free there.
Quit playing with them niggers," he commanded. Bob Jones was the most successful Grand Dragon in the country. Watch General Education Streaming.
In just three years, he had grown the North Carolina Klan from a handful of friends to some 1. Klans of all other southern states combined. In the process, Jones had helped give the most progressive state in the south a new nickname: "Klansville, USA."Rob Christensen, Reporter: There was really no politicians during the 1. North Carolina's white working class and especially those people who were really concerned about racial integration. Michael Frierson, Filmmaker, FBI KKK: So, who's going to speak for frustrated, poor white folks who see integration as a threat to their job, to their way of life? The Klan becomes the organization that can be the spokesperson for people who perceive their way of life to be under threat. Bunny Sanders, Mayor, Roper, N.
C.: We had NAACP. They had the Klan.

They had Klan. Narrator: The son of a railroad worker, Bob Jones grew up just outside Salisbury, 4. Charlotte. The fifth of eight children, he had dropped out of high school in either the 1. He was discharged from the navy after refusing to salute a black officer. I'd salute that uniform all day long," Jones said, "but I won't salute no nigger."For years, he bounced from job to job, awning salesman, bricklayer, lightning rod salesman. Watch Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League Vs. Bizarro League Mojoboxoffice on this page. He struggled to make a decent living. Patsy Sims, Author: Many people probably did refer to him, maybe in front of him, as white trash, and that may well also have been part of the bruising that led him to feel as strong racially as he did.

Gary Freeze, Historian: What the age of segregation actually promoted was a group of people who essentially found a niche above blacks but below successful whites. Bob Jones represented those North Carolinians. Ned Cline, Reporter: He would never admit being a racist. He didn't object to Jews, he didn't object to black people as long as they stayed in their place and away from him and never tried to mingle together with white people.
Narrator: The Ku Klux Klan originated in the wake of the nation's greatest trauma - - the civil war. In 1. 86. 5, decommissioned confederate officers in Pulaski, Tennessee, formed a fraternal social club. They called themselves the Ku Klux Klan, from the Greek word for circle, "kuklos."Mark Potok, Southern Poverty Law Center: It was essentially a club where they were going to pull pranks.
They started to dress up in very elaborate costumes and go out and try to terrorize freed slaves. They would pose as confederate officers come back from the dead. Patsy Sims, Author : The story goes they first did it innocently, and then when they saw the reaction of the newly freed slaves who were petrified, the word got around that they were having this effect, and that's when that version of that version of the Klan became increasingly violent. Mark Potok, Southern Poverty Law Center: The reality is, is that the Klan of Reconstruction spent its time murdering people, throwing people off bridges, hanging them from trees.
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Narrator: When the federal government clamped down in 1. Klan dissolved and lay dormant for decades. Then in 1. 91. 5, the image of the Ku Klux Klan was seared into the nation's consciousness by the first true blockbuster in American cinema: DW Griffith's three- hour epic, "The Birth of a Nation."Based on a bestselling novel, the movie portrayed Klan violence as justifiable and necessary to restore order to a South in chaos while celebrating Klan efforts to keep blacks from exercising their newly granted right to vote. Mark Potok, Southern Poverty Law Center: This film so romanticized the Klan that the Klan pictured itself and described itself as heroically standing up for the oppressed white people, the dispossessed white people of the South. Narrator: "The Birth of a Nation" sparked a revival of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1.
The Klan's ideology of white supremacy and what they called "1. Americanism" resonated across the country. Mark Potok, Southern Poverty Law Center: The Klan of the 1. Klan, which the Klan of Reconstruction had primarily been. The Klan of the 1.
Denver, like Portland, Detroit, which had huge waves of immigration both of Catholics from Europe and of African Americans coming from the South. Narrator: In 1. 92. Washington in a vivid display of their numbers. Four million Americans claimed Klan membership.
Patsy Sims, Author: That particular klan also became very, very powerful politically. They elected at least 1. Klan. David Cunningham, Author, Klansville, U. S. A.: The Klan has a great rise in terms of membership through the first half of the 1. There were a number of exposés of what the Klan was doing in terms of its violent underside. When you throw scandals in that really embarrass the leaders, that kind of publicity really eroded its credibility.
Narrator: By the 1. Klan. But not for long. When the U. S. Supreme Court ruled in 1. Klan rose once again. Mark Potok, Southern Poverty Law Center: Brown v. Board of Education was the opening shot in the civil rights era and although it didn't happen right away, it really presaged huge, huge changes in the South. Narrator: In 1. 96.
Greensboro, North Carolina, sparked similar demonstrations across the South. Officials in other states reacted defiantly as the civil rights movement gained momentum. George Wallace, Segregationist (Archival): …and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. Michael Frierson, Filmmaker: You have governors like George Wallace openly advocating segregation, openly taking the position that the Klan might have taken in that state. In North Carolina, we didn't have that.
Narrator: Bob Jones feared that North Carolina's leaders would not resist the push for integration. In the summer of 1. United Klans of America for a charter to organize in his home state. Bob Jones (archival): Everybody in this country is organized except the white protestant gentile. Your niggers have your NAACP and CORE. You got B'nai B'rith for your Jewish people.
Your Knights of Columbus which is a secret, fraternal order, but the white protestant gentile, the only hope, the only salvation that they have left in the United States today is the United Klans of America, Incorporated. We've saved the South twice, or the Klan has, and it looks like we're going to just have to do it again.
Bunny Sanders, Mayor, Roper, N.