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Skip to main content. Lingam massage with happy ending do exists. July, 2. 01. 32 January, 2. ADMINSPA AND MASSAGE8. SHARESShare to Facebook. Share to Twitter. Subscribe We’ve heard a lot of stories dealing with spa and massage clinics offering services with a ‘twist’ so we look at it, up- close and personal and investigated what was really going on in such places where humorously termed ‘spakol‘ is being offered.
We sent our mole on a mission and flew to a far province in the Visayas where such stories have originated. Our asset later learned that Lingam massage, specifically designed for men and part of art of Tantra, do exists. In the Philippines, lingam is regarded as a massage with a ‘happy ending‘. See origin of lingam here. Lingam massage with happy ending do exists. Lingam or in Sanskrit means “wand of light,” came to the Visayan province four years ago, according to our asset. It was in 2. 00. 9 when lingam or in street lingo ‘spakol‘, the pleasuring of male genitalia, came about in this province.
Presently, there are few spa and massage clinics here that offers lingam. Some are hideously operating while some establishments even flaunt the service. So what does really happen during lingam service? Our asset went to a not- so- secret establishment, that we will hide by the name of Charlie’s, located along one of the busy streets here in the city on a Saturday night and was greeted as a normal customer in the reception area and after paying the sum of Php 9.
Each cubicles have curtains serving as its main door. Good news is, privacy is given much consideration inside each cubicles, our mole continued. A pretty massage therapist wearing a white top collared shirt and skimpy skirt ordered our asset to take- off everything and was ordered to face down the professional massage bed in a procedure of what a normal spa and massage clinic would do. Small exchange of conversation went by as the service was on- going and that’s how our mole got more information on lingam. It was a combination of Shiatsu and Swedish massage and was indeed very relaxing that even our investigative writer almost fell to sleep while being pampered all through out. Our asset was given oil massage with gentle to hard strokes on the back, arms, and legs. Then, after more than 3.
While our mole was lying his face down on the floor, an ample amount of oil was poured at the buttocks, caressing the butt cheeks all the way going down to the sensitive part to the edge of the scrotum. Gentle touch of fingers from the masseuse rolled into our mole’s butt crack as it went pocketing the male organ’s shaft. It was pleasurable, yet if a customer will regard this in a professional way, this could be something you would never consider extreme or porn. In Tantra the penis is referred to as the Lingam which means “wand of light” in Sanskrit. The Lingam massage is the counterpart to the Yoni massage: both focused on the pelvic region. Lingam was develop as healing practices for men who’s having a hard time getting an erection or with prostate problems. Our asset concluded then that lingam, when practiced based on traditional healing method, is way legit.
During their conversation, the masseuse shared that when lingam was first introduced in this province, it was only the foreigners who were seeking the services, particularly those who have erectile dysfunction. Later on, as lingam gains it popularity, Filipino patrons became interested too. The service continued and was already delivering a good job for paying customer like our asset. Charlie’s have two known branches in this province, by the way. One is right here in the key city while the second branch’s located in a provincial town near to call centers and hotels.
The lingam massage continued on its next phase and our asset was asked to change positions to lie his back on the bed. The masseuse now holds the shaft with fragile care like she was holding a new- born baby. To the masseuse, it was just a normal thing. There were gentle squeezes that took place while stroking were done from slow- motion to medium pace. Our asset told us that the therapist would find a way to break- the- ice once in a while to keep our mole more relaxed with occasional giggling and few queries like, why our mole was in the province and if our mole was enjoying the service.
Well, we bet our mole was. Stroking gains pace from medium to fast and it felt like it was the cue our asset was waiting for. The masseuse approached and whispered to our asset that it’s time for an extra service, like touching the private parts, for additional fee. It was like our mole was being hypnotized and disagreeing with the masseuse’s invitation was the last thing our mole had in mind. The masseuse told our asset that he can touch her chubby breast for an additional thousand bucks which was then lowered to half the first offered price as discounted rates because she thinks our asset was cute. She later disclosed that the five hundred bucks were only offered for students.
Our mole asked if the extra fee will go straight to the masseuse’s pocket and she humbly said yes. Pleasuring one’s genitalia, also known as masturbation, is very normal for most males, and usually, the awakening started at an early age.
Some do it daily, which according to health research is not really bad for one’s health. It does give a therapeutic result for the individual because it makes a person feel relaxed after doing it. But lingam is not just about pleasuring and releasing. It is done with gentle strokes and massage to help the male genitalia energizes to be capable of erection for the person’s health and well- being.
Benefits of a Lingam massage. One of the primary benefits of the massage is to obtain better control of your sexual energy and your sex drive.
If a therapist is helping you with the massage they will “stand down” or step away when the recipient is near orgasm. After several sessions the recipient will be able to prolong ejaculation. Watch Code Name: The Cleaner Streaming there.
Solve sex related problems such as premature ejaculation. Improve blood circulation for a better firmer erection. Better control over internal energy. Fight stress and depression.
Releasing was the last part for the lingam service. As the therapist makes her final few strokes, the mind and body of the patient comes together in a nirvana stage coupled with normal to fast heart beatings until the heat inside the body is released in front of a therapist. After releasing, a choice of hot shower or towel is offered to the customer. Maintaining cleanliness is the next thing that a therapist would do after the service. A cup of coffee or tea is offered for free while customers take time to prep up and wear their clothes back again.
As for our asset, it was like everything went well at Charlie’s. Through his experience, we can now fully disclose that a massage with happy ending do exists. Viewed 2. 65. 51.
ADMINJuan Manila Express is a magazine- themed blog of different niche from daily grind to headline news, to entertainment updates and social media related topics. Email us at [email protected] for your suggestions and comments. Thank you for visiting!
More Posts. Related. SHARESShare to Facebook. Share to Twitter. Subscribeendingerotic massagefeaturedhappy ending massagehappy hourheadline.
Lingam massage happy endinglingam spakol massagespakol happy ending lingamspakol massage happy ending. ADMIN. Juan Manila Express is a magazine- themed blog of different niche from daily grind to headline news, to entertainment updates and social media related topics. Email us at [email protected] for your suggestions and comments.
Thank you for visiting! Lingam massage with happy ending do exists”Rockit Reports - How to pay to get laidsays. October, 2. 01. 3 at 7: 1. Great write up on an interesting topic.
There’s a lot of rumor about the lingam and spakol action in the Philippines, but no much on the ground reporting. Thanks! Reply. JUAN MANILA EXPRESSsays. October, 2. 01. 3 at 1.
Thank you very much for visiting our blog.
The First Alexa Skills to Enable on Your New Amazon Echo. So, you bought an Amazon Echo during Prime Day, but you’re not sure what to do with it other than ask it silly questions, set timers, and roll a dice. Before you return it, know there’s a whole bunch else you can do with that smart speaker. The Echo currently has more than 3,0.
Amazon. But since writing a guide for all its talents would probably be longer than a Nicholas Sparks novel, here is a quick list of the best, practical skills you should start using right away. Amazon’s trying to kill your controller with a new Alexa skill designed to make watching TV super…Read more Read.
Get your daily morning news briefing. One of my favorite Alexa skills is the morning news briefing, since I get to lie in bed or prepare breakfast while getting the news read to me. Just ask, “Alexa, read me the news” and Alexa will let you know what’s going on in this crazy world, courtesy of NPR.
She’ll even finish the briefing with a weather update. You can customize your flash briefing in the Alexa mobile app. Or, install the Guardian skill and ask Alexa to read you headlines and even full articles. Work out with Alexa. Sometimes it’s hard to go to the gym when you have such a busy schedule, but Alexa can help you fit in a quick workout in the morning.
Just say, “Alexa, start 7- minute workout,” and the AI will guide you through a series of workout repetitions that will surely make you sweat. If you don’t know what the workout looks like, you can just look them up on your phone and follow along. Amazon’s beefing up some basic features in Alexa, its voice- controlled assistant.
Your favorite…Read more Read. Control your lights. This skill is one of the most basic and known, but also one of the most convenient—or maybe I’m just lazy. But if own Philips Hue Lights, you can ask Alexa to turn them on/off without having to get up from your bed or couch.
It’s ideal for when you’re going to bed, or already sat down at your couch with the popcorn and about to watch a movie. Change the wake word. If having “Alexa” as the wake word—the word that triggers the voice assistant—is causing to much trouble because someone in the house is named Alex or Alexis, you can change it to something less common. You can change the wake word to Amazon, Echo, or Computer.
Sure, the options are limited right now, but hopefully Amazon lets us change it to whatever we want in a near future. I would love to call mine Jarvis, like Iron Man. The future you’ve been waiting for has arrived.
Amazon has added a new accepted wake word to…Read more Read. Find your smartphone. Are you the type of person who constantly loses their phone around the house? Well, Alexa has a neat skill to help you find it. If you sign up for a Track.
R account, you can just ask, “Alexa, find my phone,” and the smart speaker will make sure your smartphone rings at full volume—and guess what? It was probably under the couch cushion again. Check airport security wait times before you leave the house. Plan better and avoid long lines the day you travel. Just say, “Alexa, ask airport security for the wait time at La Guardia (or whichever airport),” and the AI will check the TSA’s public API for the last reported wait times at the airport checkpoint.
If you’re a last minute planner when traveling, this trick will help you a lot while your packing in a rush the morning of your flight. We’ve previously covered how cool automatic blinds are. And we know the Amazon Echo is pretty…Read more Read.
Set Spotify as the default music streaming service. Amazon announced last year that it would add a Spotify skill to Alexa’s catalog, but in order to have it work properly consumer has to say, “Alexa, play Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen On Spotify.” If you didn’t specify Spotify, Alexa would try and find the song on Amazon Music, which has a very limited song catalog. However, there’s a way to make Spotify the default so when you ask to play a song, it’ll automatically fetch the media from the select streaming service. Open the Alexa App and under Settings go into Music & Media. Once there, just select Spotify as the default music service and save your changes. For whatever reason, controlling blinds in a smart home has always been a bit of a holy grail for…Read more Read.
Get exclusive deals through Alexa. If you’re looking for a new way of shopping, all you have to do is ask, “Alexa, what are your deals?” and the smart speaker will recite a list of Prime- member- exclusive deals. If you have Alexa synced with your Prime membership and your payment method of choice, you can just Alexa to place an order for you.
Add a code to avoid accidental purchases. Since Alexa is very easy to trigger with language that resembles her name, you might sometimes end up accidentally making an unwanted purchase. However, there is a way to prevent an unintended purchase from Alexa by setting up a 4- digit voice shopping code through the corresponding app. To input a code go to the Alexa app’s Settings and choose Voice Purchasing, then just input your code and select Save Changes.
Learn more skills. You can also discover more Alexa skills by using the Skill Finder. All you have to say is, “Alexa, tell Skill Finder to give me the skill of the day” and you will unearth new, cool skills. You can also learn about new talents by category by asking, “Alexa, tell Skill Finder to list the top skills in the games category.”.